Welcome to the Digital Real Estate Business

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A dialog in a near future:

     - Hello FacePhantom… I would like to complain that there is one of your phantoms in front of my house singing a serenate to my daughter. She knows the guy, he is from her college… Please, remove it.

     - Sir, on residential areas the rental plan for virtual placement has a duration of just one week, after that the account user must renovate your rental period, at any time he can change or replace the video, photo, message or sound for the phantom stream. To kill the phantom there are two ways: Using the same app in the smartphone that you use to see the phantom, disliked the message, in residential areas only, with 10 ‘unlikes’ or ‘thumbs down’ from different people you stop the streaming immediately. The other way is touching the “x” that takes you directly to menu, while you are watching the phantom stream, then you select <Report>. In that way our image analyst – in about 48 hour - can analyze and detect if there is something improper or offensive. If the analyst finds something wrong, he will stop the stream and take legal actions against the phantom’s owner according to the country legislations. We are working in filters and previous analyses to prevent such thing.

     - These modernities will put a end in the civilizate world and people's privacy. After e-mails, search engines, GPS, Social Networks, Uber, Pokemon now we have the FacePhanton selling and renting virtual spaces in all places…

     - Sir, today we are celebrating the placement of more than a billion of phantoms and more than 2 billions of FacePhantons apps installed in smartphones. Think in the benefits for the communications, how many good emotions we are providing… And utility too… There are phantoms in museums explaining things, phantoms from the state alerting people about dangerous places and neighborhoods, artists promoting their work in the streets, people selling their services in commercial places… We provide even live streams for celebrities in the FacePhantom Time Party. Think about the families honoring their loved ones placing ‘real phantoms’ over the tombstones in cemeteries… Hundreds of applications in all areas… even in Mars and Moon… In that case just from our website using the maps and indications… Messages for the future associated to physical places…  

How it works?

1 – User installs in his smartphone the FacePhantom App for free. He is now ready to be alerted about the presence of phantoms where he is and what he can see. In other words, when the user calls the app it take the GPS status of the place and sends that information to FacePhanton web central that searches in its data base if there is a phantom in this specific location or near it. The user watching the app display can see images and listen to sounds from the location as a regular camera (just like the Pokemon game). In the presence of a phantom the app superpose the images that was uploaded by other users (someone that rent or bought that place) and is streamed by FacePhantom for the user’s smartphone, tablets or Google Glasses. The FacePhantom app plays what was downloaded in that moment. If user moves away from that place the “phantom” disappears.    

2 – To rent or buy (many commercial strategies can be adopted) a place is a very simple process. People stay in the place that want rent or buy and call the app; from menu the user select start the processes. The app sends the GPS info for FacePhanton web central, the system analyzes that area (the size of the area depends of the accuracy in the meters of the GPS used by the app) is occupied or unavailable (the use of different languages in app setup can admit more than one phantom for the same area). If this place is unoccupied the user must indicate if he wants to rent or buy, the kind of messages (photo, slide show, video, sound, etc…) and initiate the payment process (as in any regular online payment). The third step is makes an upload that can be work in few minutes in case of a selfie, for example. The location can be saved for future uploads. Further upload can be made (or edited) from FacePhantom.com for more elaborate messages. Places can be acquired from the FacePhantom.com using maps.  Companies can buy big places (as a football stadium) for advertising purposes. 

3 – We are talking about a technology that already exists. It is just a matter to put everything to work together by our consulting.

4 - In a large sense we are talking about a market bigger than the Internet Domain Name Register for web sites. Instead names, we offering places.  

Commentaries and Insights about the FacePhantom Deal

• It’s the next big thing. No doubt about it… 

FacePhantom is a provisional name of a business that like WhatsApp cannot be patented in the way that it works, just the tools (software and business model, games associated, brands, etc) that make it work. By the way, start first is essential for royalties protection in any scenario.

• Support competition with similar processes as the selling of domains names business does, for instance, but FacePhanton depend on having the biggest number of apps installed to be the standard way to see virtual phantoms, in the same way that WhatsApp became the messenger number one for smartphones, just being the one with the most smartphones installations (because the app is free… they earn money from the cell phone carriers that must support the product otherwise loose users for other carriers that accept work with WhatsApp… and users are incentivized to spend more on downloads, many carriers charge the amount of data downloaded).

• Starting first is fundamental to make a great success, as Yahoo in the search engine business did. They were overpassed by Google… but even in that way they were sold recently by billions.

FacePhantom have a great advantage over other e-bussines from the past because it’s (at this point) the unique to offer ‘phantoms’… FacePhanton is inaugurating the ‘Digital Real Estate’ business. Just Yahoo, e-Bay and You Tube in the past started alone. Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Craig’s list, Go Daddy, Instagram, etc. started it’s business after others open the ways. So, advertising costs will be lower, because will have the help of the media that will want to announce the novelty as they are doing at this moment with Pokemon game.

• Many games can be use FacePhanton platform. “Where is Molly” kind of game using Hollywood celebrities… Example: The first to see the ‘phantom’ of Scarlett Johansson win a prize…

Who we are and what we are selling

FacePhantom is formed by the former crew from Buccanner Software, a softwarehouse from Brazil that was a kind of pioneer in software production in that country in the 80's working with Z80a based computers (MSX).

We are looking for start up companies and investors interesting in the billionaire FacePhantom project. Basically we are just selling consulting and project supervising.

Contact us:

We are based in Miami and you can make contact writing for joaocanali@gmail.com   

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